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France HADRON participe à structurer le réseau français de recherche en hadronthérapie et facilite l’accès aux faisceaux. Pour ce faire, France HADRON a reçu un financement de l’ANR dans le cadre du Plan d'Investissement d'Avenir. En retour, il convient de faire mention de notre financeur dans les publications relatives à France HADRON :
This research was supported by a French funding managed by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche in the frame of the Investments for the Future under the reference: France HADRON, ANR-11-INBS-0007.
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Liste des publications récentes :
Paediatric brain tumours: A review of radiotherapy, state of theart and challenges for the future regarding protontherapyand carbontherapy. A. Laprie, Y. Hu, C. Alapetite, C. Carrie, J.-L. Habrand, S. Bolle, P.-Y. Bondiau, A. Ducassou, A. Huchet, A.-I. Bertozzi, Y. Perel, É. Moyal, J. Balosso, on behalf of the radiotherapy committee of SFCE and France Hadron. Cancer Radiother (2015):3328-15.
Zero-degree measurements of 12C fragmentation at 95 MeV/nucleon on thin targets. J. Dudouet, M. Labalme, D. Cussol, C. Finck, R. Rescigno, M. Rousseau, S. Salvador, and M. Vanstalle, Physical Review C 89, 064615 (2014).
Targeting head and neck cancer stem cells to overcome resistance to photon and carbon ion radiation. Bertrand G, Maalouf M, Boivin A, Battiston-Montagne P, Beuve M, Levy A, Jalade P, Fournier C, Ardail D, Magné N, Alphonse G and Rodriguez-Lafrasse C. Stem Cell Rev 2014; 10(1):114-26. IF: 4.523
Cellular and molecular portrait of eleven human glioblastoma cell lines under photon and carbon ion irradiation. Ferrandon S, Magné N, Battiston-Montagne P, Hau-Desbat NH, Diaz O, Beuve M, Constanzo J, Chargari C, Poncet D, Chautard E, Ardail D, Alphonse G, Rodriguez-Lafrasse C.. Cancer Lett. 2015 Feb 2. [Epub ahead of print] IF : 5.02
Assessment and improvements of Geant4 hadronic models in the context of prompt-gamma hadrontherapy monitoring. G. Dedes, M. Pinto, D. Dauvergne, N. Freud, J. Krimmer, J. M. Létang, C. Ray, E. Testa, , Physics in Medicine and Biology 59 ( 2014)
Real-time proton beam range monitoring by means of prompt-gamma detection with a collimated camera. F. Roellinghoff, A. Benilov, D. Dauvergne, G. Dedes, N. Freud, G. Janssens, J. Krimmer, J. M. Létang, M. Pinto, D. Prieels, C. Ray, J. Smeets, F. Stichelbaut, E. Testa, Physics in Medicine and Biology 59 (2014)1327-38
Absolute prompt-gamma yield measurements for ion beam therapy monitoring. M. Pinto, M. Bajard, S. Brons, M. Chevallier, D. Dauvergne, G. Dedes, M. De Rydt, N. Freud, J. Krimmer, C. La Tessa, J. M. Létang, K. Parodi, R. Pleskac, D. Prieels, C. Ray, I. Rinaldi, F. Roellinghoff, D. Schardt, E. Testa, M. Testa, , Physics In Medicine and Biology 60 (2014) 565-594
Collimated prompt gamma TOF measurements with multi-slit multi-detector configurations. J. Krimmer, M. Chevallier, J. Constanzo, D. Dauvergne, M. De Rydt, G. Dedes, N. Freud, P. Henriquet, C. La Tessa, J.M. Létang, R. Pleskac, M. Pinto, C. Ray, V. Reithinger, M.H. Richard, I. Rinaldi, F. Roellinghoff, C. Schuy, E. Testa, M. Testa. in JINST 10 (2015) P01011
Development of a Compton camera for medical applications based on silicon strip and scintillation detectors. J. Krimmer, J.-L.Ley, C.Abellan, J.-P.Cachemiche, L.Caponetto, X.Chen, M. Dahoumane, D.Dauvergne, N.Freud, B.Joly, D.Lambert, L.Lestand, J.M. Létang, M.Magne, H.Mathez, V.Maxim, G.Montarou, C.Morel, M.Pinto, C. Ray, V.Reithinger, E.Testa, Y.Zoccarato, A paraitre dans Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A.
Design optimisation of a TOF-based collimated camera prototype for online hadrontherapy monitoring. 2014b: M. Pinto, D. Dauvergne, N. freud, J. Krimmer, J. M. Létang, C. Ray, F. Roellinghoff, E. Testa, Physics In Medicine and Biology 59 (2014) 7653-7674
A micro-TCA Data Acquisition System and its application for Hadrontherapy Monitoring using a Compton Camera. Abellan, C. et al., 2014.. In Radiation Oncology. ICTR-PHE Conference. Geneva, p. S1‑S2.
Proton Interaction Vertex Imaging for carbon therapy quality control. R. Rescigno, J. Baudot, S. Brons, D. Dauvergne, C. Finck, D. Juliani, J. Krimmer, K. Parodi, C. Ray, V. Reithinger, I. Rinaldi, M. Rousseau, E. Testa, M. Winter. In Radiotherapy and Oncology. ICTR-PHE 2014. Geneva, p. S81‑S82.
The impact of tracking system properties on the most likely path estimation in proton CT, Magnetic Resonance Materials. 2014: Cécile Bopp, Régina Rescigno, Marc Rousseau, David Brasse. in Physics, Biology and Medicine, 2014, 59 (23), pp.N197-N210.
In-silico comparison of X-ray and proton computed tomography for proton therapy dose simulation with a full Monte Carlo treatment planning. 2014a : N. Arbor, J.M. Létang, D. Dauvergne, E. Testa, G. Dedes, C. Quinones, S. Rit, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium & Medical Imaging Conference, Nov 2014, Seattle, United States.
Monte Carlo comparison of x-ray and proton CT for range calculations of proton therapy beams. Nicolas Arbor, Denis Dauvergne, Georgios Dedes, Jean Létang, Katia Parodi, Catherine Quinones, Etienne Testa, Simon Rit. soumis à Physics in Medicine and Biology
4D radiotherapeutic dose calculation using biomechanical respiratory motion description. P.S Manescu, H. Ladjal, J. Azencot, M. Beuve, E. Testa, B. Shariat. International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery, pp. 449-457, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, ISSN 1861-6410. 2014
Evènements FrHA
L'hadronthérapie mise à l'honneur dans le courrier du CERN avec le premier patient traité avec le nouveau Cyclotron du CAL (Nice)
8 Juillet : Réunion du conseil scientifique international - Paris
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Du 18 au 23 Mai 2015: 54th PTCOG - Manchester Grand Hyatt, San Diego, California