The Network RESPLANDIR, for "Réseau des Plateformes National d’Irradiation" is a national network of different radiation modalities dedicated to dosimetry and radiobiology. It brings together the various hadron platforms and, to the steps of calibrations, geographically close X-ray modalities . The operators of these irradiators have decided to form a network to exchange information and possibly some hardwares to performed a standard calibration with relatively identical protocols.
The characteristics of the platforms are compiled in this document as well as the specific pages hadron plateforms and X-ray plateforms.
June-5th 2015: WP4 meeting in Lyon
May-11th 2015 : Steering-commitee meeting in Paris
April-15th 2015: WP1 meeting in Orsay
Module-Workshops and international meeting
May 18-23 2015: 54th PTCOG - Manchester Grand Hyatt, San Diego, California