FrHA Publications
ANR mention and publications:
France HADRON is involved in the structuration of the the French network of research in hadrontherapy. It facilitates access to the beams for the researchers. To do this, France HADRON has received funding from the ANR in the Future Investment Plan. In return, it should be mention of our funder in publications in the France HADRON frame:
This research was supported by a French funding managed by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche in the frame of the Investments for the Future under the reference: France HADRON, ANR-11-INBS-0007.
Logos France HADRON :
For posters et other documents, following logos can be used:
Logo France HADRON
France HADRON document
Publication liste:
Zero-degree measurements of 12C fragmentation at 95 MeV/nucleon on thin targets. J. Dudouet, M. Labalme, D. Cussol, C. Finck, R. Rescigno, M. Rousseau, S. Salvador, and M. Vanstalle. Physical Review C 89, 064615 (2014).
June-5th 2015: WP4 meeting in Lyon
May-11th 2015 : Steering-commitee meeting in Paris
April-15th 2015: WP1 meeting in Orsay
Module-Workshops and international meeting
May 18-23 2015: 54th PTCOG - Manchester Grand Hyatt, San Diego, California