Périclès - Toulouse





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ICPO - Orsay


GSC Etoile - Lyon


Toulouse - Périclès


The Oncopôle Toulouse carries the ambition of an international reference Campus in the fight against cancer with a target of strong scientific and technological value, headquarters of innovative methodologies including proton therapy, clinical research and displaying the target position Toulouse as a leader in the field of drug discovery "a la carte" for individualized medicine. In its project to build a proton therapy center, Toulouse has some advantages: the project will be integrated into a large and multidiciplinary treatment center and the unit may also be used to test the aerospace equipment developed regionally.


L’oncopôle, Toulouse.

Contact : Régis Ferrand

The research team U825 (Inserm / Université Paul Sabatier) entitled UMRS825"Brain imaging and neurological handicaps" has for main objective the study of the human brain and major diseases that affect it.

Contact: Anne Lapris

crct logo enThe Cancer Research Center of Toulouse (CRCT, UMR1037, Toulouse III university, CNRS and INSERM) gathers 18 teams dedicated to the research against cancer in the same bulding than the IUCT-Oncopole. Two teams of CRCT are involved in France HADRON:

  • The Team 11, works on tumor radioresistance and cellular processes causing this resistance. Having decrypted the biological pathways controlling the radiation resistance and the microenvironment in particular hypoxia and angiogenesis, both in vitro and in vivo, it will be easier to understand and treat the tumor area.

Contact: Elizabeth Moyal

  • The recent creation of CRCT Team 15 entitled "multi-resolution dosimetry for radiotherapy optimization" concludes a structuring effort of Medical Physics resources available in Toulouse:• The strong commitment of the Medical Physics Department led to the creation of a critical mass unique in France, which insures a continuum between laboratory and clinical department.
    - Our research themes are fully included within the scientific priorities defined by Paul Sabatier University.
    - Most team members participate in the pedagogic team of Toulouse Master of Medical Physics, which in turn represents a revolving source of students for the team.
    Our scientific project was initially applied to targeted radiotherapy dosimetry, but was expanded in the direction of external beam radiotherapy. This means that all aspects of radiotherapy optimisation are now addressed by the team, and de facto covers a whole range of radiation: electrons/beta, Auger electrons, alpha emitters, X rays, and potentially protons in the future.
    At the mesoscopic scale, our research projects aim at the development of better metrology and modelling of radiation transport:
    - At the cellular scale, the objective is to better understand the effects of ionising radiation.
    - Preclinical small animal studies test optimised irradiation delivery scheme.
    - Clinical studies conclude the translation of our basic research to patients.

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